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01-0 The early years




阿姜曼出生在一個傳統佛教家庭,那一天是西元1870年1月20日,星期四,生肖屬羊。出生地是烏汶府空傑畝區的班坎博村。阿姜曼的父親是坎杜安肯高(Khamduang Kaenkaew),母親為珍(Jun)。阿姜曼排行老大,底下還有七位弟弟妹妹。雖然兄弟姐妹中阿姜曼年紀最大,但只有兩位弟弟在他去世時還在世。阿姜曼身高不高,膚色白皙,他是一位精力旺盛、聰明靈活的小孩。十五歲那一年,阿姜曼在家鄉寺院裡受沙彌戒1。很快地,阿姜曼便展現出他學習教法的熱情,他以飛快的速度背誦起許多經文。身為一位年輕沙彌,阿姜曼不曾為師長或同儕們惹出任何麻煩。



阿姜曼的受戒師是阿裏亞卡于尊者(Ariyakawi);傳法師是帕古 思沙(Sitha);指導師是帕古 普魯悠奔肯(Prajuk Ubonkhun)3。阿姜曼的法名是巴力達塔(Bhýridatta)4。受戒後,阿姜曼在阿姜韶所主持的內觀中心裡修行。

1. 男子要受戒成為佛教比丘至少需年滿二十歲;若不滿二十歲,可以受沙彌戒成為沙彌。沙彌眾需剃除頭髮,身穿袈裟,受持基本的十戒。

2. 西元1893年是佛曆2436年。

3. 受戒師是主持授戒儀式的上座比丘。傳法師與指導師分別是授戒儀式中宣讀戒律的法師與負責儀式進行的主持法師。

4. 巴力達塔是佛陀在成佛前(菩薩)曾使用過的一個名字,當時菩薩還在精進修行以圓滿十波羅蜜。某一世,菩薩生為一位大蛇神,名為巴力達塔,字義為「大地的禮物」。巴力達塔厭倦了在地底的生活,於是他來到了地面上的世界;卻不幸被一位弄蛇人捕獲。這位弄蛇人從未看過這樣雄壯威武的大蛇,他相信只要他能夠在君主面前耍弄這條蛇,他一定能夠在一夕間成為當地的名人,財富也必隨之而來。雖然蛇神可以用神力在瞬間殺死弄蛇人,但巴力達塔珍惜自己的戒律與波羅蜜,於是他忍受羞辱,照著「主人」的命令做出各種表演。就在這一世中,菩薩圓滿了忍辱波羅蜜。


The Venerable Ãcariya Mun Bhýridatta Thera was a vipassana meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age; one who is truly worthy of the eminent praise and admiration accorded to him by his close disciples. He taught the profound nature of Dhamma with such authority and persuasion that he left no doubts among his students about the exalted level of his spiritual attainment. His devoted followers consist of numerous monks and laity from virtually every region of Thailand. Besides these, he has many more devotees in Laos, where both monks and lay people feel a deep reverence for him.

His story is truly a magnificent one throughout: from his early years in lay life through his long endeavor as a Buddhist monk to the day he finally passed away. Nowadays, a life of such unblemished excellence is harder to come by than a lode of precious gemstones.


Ãcariya Mun was born into a traditional Buddhist family on Thursday, January 20, 1870, the Year of the Goat. His birthplace was the village of Ban Khambong in the Khongjiam district of Ubon Ratchathani province. His father’s name was Khamduang; his mother’s Jun; and his family surname Kaenkaew. He was the eldest child of eight siblings, though only two of them were still alive when he passed away. A child of small stature with a fair complexion, he was naturally quick, energetic, intelligent, and resourceful. At the age of fifteen he ordained as a novice1 in his village monastery where he developed an enthusiasm for the study of Dhamma, memorizing the texts with exceptional speed. A young novice of affable character, he never caused his teachers or fellows any trouble.

Two years into his new way of life his father requested him to give up the robes, and he was required to return to lay life in order to help out at home. However, his fondness for the monk’s life was so pronounced that he was certain he would ordain again some day. His good memories of life in a monk’s robes never faded. Thus, he resolved to enter the monkhood again as soon as possible. This strong sense of purpose was due, no doubt, to the power of that indomitable faith, known as saddhã, which was such an integral part of his character.


When he reached age twenty-two, he felt an urge to ordain as a monk. So, for that purpose, he took leave of his parents. Not wanting to discourage his aspirations and having also kept the hope that their son would ordain again someday, they gave their permission. To this end, they provided him with a complete set of a monk’s basic requisites for his ordination. On June 12, 1893,2 he received his Bhikkhu ordination at Wat Liap monastery in the provincial town of Ubon Ratchathani.


His upajjhãya was the Venerable Ariyakawi; his kammavãcariya was Phra Khru Sitha; and his anusãsanãcariya was Phra Khru Prajuk Ubonkhun.3 He was given the monastic name “Bhýridatta”.4 After his ordination, he took residence at Wat Liap in Ãcariya Sao’s vipassanã meditation center.

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