01-1 The Prophecy
5. 鈍葉龍腦香樹,泰文本作ต้นชาติ(頓恰),為泰國東北高原森林中的一種落葉闊葉樹。在巴利文中,「鈍葉龍腦香樹」與「出生」都拼音為「Jãti」。因此,阿姜曼夢境裡已枯死的鈍葉龍腦香樹是永斷輪迴的表徵。
jāti tree(生之樹=象徵輪迴的"生" )
學名: Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Teijsm.
屬科: Dipterocarpaceae
俗名: ยาง เหียง(/hiang/香)
6. 藏經櫃是一類專門製作的書櫃,書櫃一層一層間的距離與佛經相當,而整個書櫃的大小足以收納全套50多本的佛經。
7. 頭陀行共有十三項,是佛陀對少欲知足的僧眾所制定的進階修行方式。下一章節會有更詳盡的說明。
8. 袈裟由三部分的衣服所構成,分別是大衣(僧伽黎)、上衣(郁多羅僧)、與下袍(安陀會)。「但」表示 獨、只有。
9. 煩惱是理解佛教宗旨最重要的一個觀念。煩惱標示了人們的心靈有著與生俱有的障礙,也明白指出人們該在哪些面向上修行以獲得進步。煩惱是內心的汙垢,任何非善念頭都是煩惱。煩惱非人類專有,一切有情皆逃不過煩惱的控制。有三種基本類型的煩惱:貪婪、瞋恚、愚痴。它們污染人們的思考、說話、一舉一動。事實上,人們想到的每一件事物,幾乎都是煩惱的產物,這也包括了人們的自我認同與存在意義。因此,煩惱是從外部、內部、從根部開始腐蝕人們的心靈;而一切非善行為的結果只會讓人們更迷戀輪迴,心甘情願地承受永無止境的死亡與苦痛。煩惱的表現千變萬化,它們能以激情、嫉妒、自負、自滿、虛榮、吝嗇、傲慢、憤怒、怨恨等等形式出現。其實還有更多的微細心態與煩惱有關,但人們無法一一辨別,於是也沒有名詞可稱之。不管如何,只要煩惱一出現,人們的內心總會落入不健康甚至有害的狀態。各種非善心態彼此牽連、衍生轉化,驅使一切有情做出種種不善言行,最後的結果便是這個充滿苦痛、卻也離開不了的婆娑世界。
10. 意識中能覺知的部分即是「心」,而覺知是一切感受與意識的最基本構成。對一位具有形體的有情來說,這能覺知的部分常被稱作「心」或「意識」。在潔淨狀態下,心能夠覺知過去、現在、與未來,亦能夠覺知自身與遙遠的事物,心是不受限制的。然而,未潔淨的心受到種種煩惱的牽絆與阻礙,它無法發揮出力量。在無明的影響下,有情眾生的心展現出來的是感受、記憶、念頭、與意識等等片斷的部分;然而,心的本質從來就只是覺知,它不生起也不逝去,它既不誕生亦不曾死亡。

When Ãcariya Mun first began practicing vipassanã at Ãcariya Sao’s center, he meditated constantly, internally repeating the word “buddho”, the recollection of the Buddha, as he preferred this preparatory Dhamma theme above all others. In the beginning, he failed to experience the degree of calm and happiness that he expected, which caused him to doubt whether he was practicing correctly. Despite his doubt he didn’t flag in his persistent use of the word “buddho”, and eventually his heart developed a certain measure of calm.
One night he had a dream:
He walked out of a village and entered a large, dense jungle overgrown with tangled undergrowth. He could hardly find a way to penetrate it. He struggled to find his way through this vast thicket until he finally emerged safe at the other end. When he came out, he found himself at the edge of an immense field that stretched as far as the eye could see. He set out resolutely, walking across this field until he happened to come across a huge fallen jãti tree. 5
Felled long ago, its trunk was partially embedded in the ground, and most of its bark and sapwood had already rotted away. He climbed upon this giant jãti log and walked along its full length. As he walked, he reflected inwardly. He realized that this tree would never sprout and grow again. He compared this with his own life which would certainly not rise again in any future existence. He identified the dead jãti tree with his own life in saÿsãra. Seeing that the tree had rotted away, never to root and spring to life again, he reckoned that, by keeping up his diligent practice, he would surely find a way to reach a definite conclusion to his own life in this very existence. The vast expanse of open field symbolized the nature of the never-ending cycle of birth and death.
As he stood on the log contemplating this, a broad white stallion trotted up and stood next to the fallen jãti tree. As it stood there, Ãcariya Mun felt an urge to ride it. So, he mounted the mysterious horse which immediately raced off at full gallop. He had no idea where he was being taken or why. The horse just continued galloping at full speed without showing any obvious sign of direction or purpose. The distance it traveled across the vast field seemed immeasurable. As they strode along, Ãcariya Mun saw a beautiful Tipiåika cabinet 6 in the distance, adorned with exquisite silver trim. Without guidance, the horse led him directly to the enclosed bookcase, and came to a halt right in front of it. The moment Ãcariya Mun dismounted with the aim of opening the cabinet, the white stallion vanished without a trace. As he stepped towards the bookcase, he noticed that it was standing at the very edge of the field with nothing in the background but more of the dense jungle, entangled and smothered with undergrowth. He saw no way of penetrating it. When he came to the Tipiåika cabinet, he reached out to open it; but, before he had a chance to discover the contents inside, he woke up.
This was a dream nimitta, an omen confirming his belief that if he persevered in his efforts, he would undoubtedly discover a path for attaining what he sought. From then on, with renewed determination Ãcariya Mun meditated intensively, unrelenting in his efforts to constantly repeat “buddho” as he conducted all his daily affairs. At the same time, he very carefully observed the austere dhutanga practices which he undertook at the time of his ordination, and continued to practice for the rest of his life.7 The dhutangas he voluntarily undertook were: wearing only robes made from discarded cloth – not accepting robes directly offered by lay supporters; going on almsround every day without fail – except those days when he decided to fast; accepting and eating only food received in his alms bowl – never receiving food offered after his almsround; eating only one meal a day – never eating food after the one meal; eating only out of the alms bowl – never eating food that is not inside the one vessel; living in the forest – which means wandering through forested terrain, living and sleeping in the wilds, in the mountains or in the valleys; some time spent living under a canopy of trees, in a cave, or under an overhanging cliff; and wearing only his three principal robes – the outer robe, the upper robe, and the lower robe, 8 with the addition of a bathing cloth which is necessary to have nowadays.
Ãcariya Mun also observed the remainder of the thirteen dhutanga practices when circumstances were convenient; but, he upheld the above seven routinely until they became integrated into his character. They became so much a part of him that it would be difficult to find one who is his equal these days.
On his own accord, he showed earnestness in finding meaning in everything he did. He never approached his duties half-heartedly. His sincere aim, always, was to transcend the world. Everything he did was directed toward the noble effort of destroying the kilesas 9 within himself. Due to this sense of purpose, he allowed no hiding room in his heart for arrogance and conceit, despite being exposed to the same defiling influences as was everyone else. In one respect he differed markedly from the average person: instead of allowing his mind free reign for the kilesas to trample all over, he always put up a fight, attacking them at every opportunity.
Later, when he felt confident that he had developed a sufficiently solid foundation in his meditation, he investigated the dream nimitta. Turning his attention to the dream, he analyzed it until he gradually comprehended its full meaning. He saw that ordaining as a monk and practicing the Dhamma properly was equivalent to raising the level of the citta beyond the poisons of the world. The dense, entangled jungle, where dangers of every kind await to ambush, was the analogy for the citta, a repository of pain and misery. The citta must be lifted until it reaches the vast, wide open expanse – a sphere of Ultimate Happiness, and freedom from all fear and concern. 10
The majestic white stallion symbolized the path of practicing Dhamma. He rode the horse as the means of transport to the realm of complete contentment, where he encountered the beautiful Tipiåika cabinet with an exquisite design. Able only to look upon it, he lacked the spiritual perfection necessary to secure the cabinet’s opening and admire its library to his heart’s content – a feat accomplished only by one who has acquired catu paåisambhidãñãõa. A person endowed with this four-fold knowledge is renown throughout the three worlds for his brilliant wisdom and his comprehensive knowledge of teaching methods, extensive as the sea and sky. Such a one is never at a loss when teaching devas and humans.
Because Ãcariya Mun lacked a sufficiently high level of spiritual perfection, he was denied the opportunity to open the cabinet, and had to be content with simply admiring its beauty. Consequently, he would attain only the level of paåisambhidãnusãsana, meaning that he had sufficient wisdom and expository skills to elucidate to others the basic path of Buddhist practice, but not its entire breadth and depth. Although he humbly stated that his teaching was merely sufficient to show the way, those who witnessed his practice and heard the profound Dhamma that he taught throughout his life were so deeply impressed that no words can describe it. It would certainly be difficult to witness or hear anything comparable in this day and age – an age much in need of such a noble person.